Vaccine Safety
Clear Answers & Smart Advice About Your Baby’s Shots (comprehensive, detailed) by By Ari Brown, (IAC)
HPV Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness (CDC)
HPV Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness - Spanish (CDC)
I recommend the Chickenpox vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the FLU vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the Flu vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the Hepatitis B vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the HPV vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the Meningococcal vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition of Michigan)
I recommend the Pertussis vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
I recommend the Rotavirus vaccine… Please think twice and vaccinate!! (Washtenaw Immunization Action Coalition)
If You Choose Not to Vaccinate Your Child, Understand the Risks and Responsibilities (CDC)
Myths and Facts about Vaccination
Vaccine Safety: The Facts (AAP)
What to expect when your child is vaccinated | How Vaccines Work (CDC)
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